Category: Human Rights

  • Police Anti Corruption and Abuse

    Police Anti Corruption and Abuse

    Contact the service by calling 0800 085 0000 or via Crimestoppers website to provide information you have about a serving police officer or staff member in the UK who:  •    Provides information or influence in return for money or favours. •    Uses their policing position for personal advantage – whether financial or otherwise. •    Crosses professional boundaries for sexual purposes. •    Abuses or controls their partner, or…

  • Even Parliament are in on it

    Even Parliament are in on it

    Passed from pillar to post, this journalist thought she might get some idea from the “Think Tank”. Not so, they just passed her back to Radius Housing Association to complain, this after saying that there were cases in the High Court already. They must be in on the Belfast Money Machine and UlsterCon as well.…

  • Criminal Justice Northern Ireland Style

    Criminal Justice Northern Ireland Style

    They must also be being paid off by Radius Housing Association The “investigator” David McAnulty, has the same surname as Patricia McNulty of Victim Support whose department refused compensation. REPORT RELATING TO MATTERS IN NORTHERN IRELANDUpdate to report dated 1st June 2023 My stance is that if you do not deal with individual matters, you…

  • Bimbos


    They really should not put bimbos in charge of the CCNI.  It’s just amazing that the European Court of Human Rights does not find the case against this journalist as “without merit”.  Papers were submitted in February, and again yesterday. They asked for more information, so now they, as well as the High Court in…

  • Radius Connect

    We paid £30 per month to this company, but they only monitored us if they felt like it. In fact, in June 2021, they refused to come at all even though this journalist was collapsed on the floor. She had to get PSNI to help instead. The scheme coordinator would scream like a banshee at…

  • Equalities Commission for Northern Ireland

    Equalities Commission for Northern Ireland

    There is no such thing as the Equalities Commission for Northern Ireland. There is no way that six cases put forward would fail the test. It is the same with the PSNI Ombudsman. Why would an intelligent journalist claim such a thing if it had not occurred. Twice the Commission refused against Armagh City, Banbridge…

  • Will the Lords listen?

    Will the Lords listen?

    Because the House of Commons won’t 10 January 2024 Lord Arbuthnot House of LordsLondonSW1A 0PW Dear Lord Arbuthnot, Analogy with the Post Office Scandal As a financial analyst, I would view the scandal with the Post Office as an analogous with Radius Housing Association who illegally ejected me, an elderly tenant, from their property using…

  • Pure sensationalism

    Pure sensationalism

    Receiving an email from a person not to be named yesterday, indicates that one is not supposed to feel emotion at being turned out of her house, threatened, bullied, jailed and even, after having been forced out of the jurisdiction, separated from her friends, still two years later, there is no compassion. The email indicated…

  • Now the CCRC refuse to communicate

    Now the CCRC refuse to communicate

    The Criminal Case Review Commission – allocated an unnamed case worker, and refused to answer my correspondence. This journalist rang them up and asked why, and was this how they managed to get so many postmasters put away. They were not happy and said they would block emails. That’s a nice way for a publicly…

  • Now the Department for Communities

    Now the Department for Communities

    In 2021, this journalist asked for an interview with Deidre Hegarty. It was never forthcoming. Then she started to ask questions of the Department itself, and they were never answered either. Several letters to Andrew Carleton revealed that he did not really know his job or his role. He then stopped corresponding. This journalist was,…

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